Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Man oh man how time just seems to be flying by! The other day Michael and I realized that it has almost been a year since we got married. Crazy, huh?? We sure do think so. I know it seems like I saw this every time I write a post, but I really need to get in the habit of updating everyone on what is going on in our lives. One reason it has not been updated lately is because, well... I GOT A J-O-B so my free time is very limited now between that and school. I work at a daycare here in Clovis called The Children's Center and I am in the four year old classroom. I work with an amazing lady, Becky, who has taught in the Clovis school system before working at the school. Our classroom is kind of like a pre-school classroom because we are still teaching the kids lessons, not just babysitting. Although... it does feel like babysitting sometimes. It is hard to hold their attention for long periods of time. I love my job so far, even if I am getting bit, spit on, spit UP on, or catching stomach bugs. Let me tell you though... by the time I get home I am exhausted. Completely and utterly exhausted. Our house shows it too. I am weeks behind on laundry.
I am behind on laundry because we have had neighborhood activities such as a one of neighbor's kids birthday parties. Micah had a blast. We got him a Nerf gun. What kid does not love a Nerf gun, right? Our other neighbors got him a pinata so that was fun for all the kids. There was also a silly string war. Which, I will admit, the adults did join in and have fun! 
I am also behind because we traveled to De Leon last weekend for opening bow hunting season! I am excited for hunting season. More so the rifle than bow season, but Michael enjoys sitting out and "being one with the deer". My words, not his, so no teasing (Toney)! That weekend was more than miserable for me. I started feeling sick towards the end of our drive Friday night. We did not get to leave until 5 that evening because we both had to work. I did not feel right asking off on my first full week there. When I woke up Saturday morning I was still feeling quite nauseous and actually began throwing up. For the rest of the day I was running fever and throwing up. Terrie gave me nausea medicine which made be completely worthless and I was in and out of sleep all day. Thankfully I woke up feeling better Sunday morning, but I was still weak and very tired. As of today, I am feeling WAY better! A big thank you to Terrie for nursing me back to health!! Michael's hunting was pretty miserable too. Saturday evening while hunting he had his bow pulled on an 8-point when SNAP, his release broke and scared away the deer. He came home and ordered new parts though so hopefully this upcoming weekend he will have better luck. We both have Friday off and plan to leave early early that morning so we can be in De Leon by lunch. Michael's buddy, Ben, from the Corps will be joining us that weekend for hunting! So wish him luck too! Jennifer (Rush) sorry that we will miss you, but hopefully another weekend we can see you when you are not busy!

And for a bit of random... If you have not bought a Keurig, you should. They are the best thing since sliced bread!

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