Monday, August 1, 2011

Joshua 1:9

Being away from Texas and family is really starting to sink in. Saying goodbye to friends and family is always dreaded because sometimes we do not know the next time we will see each other again. I have not made many friends out here and that is starting to take a toll. I love meeting new people, but I can be so dang shy at times. We both love all of our neighbors because they are so kind and thoughtful. The fact that we are a decade younger than all of them is starting to be glaringly clear. They have kids... We have dogs. They are military... We are civilians. I just feel like "the young one" and that I don't fit in. I really need to make it a goal this upcoming semester to make some friends and feel young again. We are 22 and have a long life ahead of us. The Bible verse that stands out to me at this time is Joshua 1:9 "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  Well I apologize for being such a Debbie Downer... sometimes I just need to vent - even if no one reads this thing. Ha Ha. 

Last weekend my mom and sister, Addi, came for a visit! We have not seen them since the middle of April so it was great having a long weekend with them. When they came in Friday Michael made beef/venison burgers and brau chips... yum! On Saturday, I showed mom and Addi around Clovis and we went shopping at Roden Smith. Roden Smith is a neat store that has a lot to offer: Hallmark cards, furniture, kitchen tools, decor, all sorts of gifts, a coffee shop, and an assortment of candy. For dinner that night we drove to Portales to eat at Vines, an Italian restaurant. Their appetizer, Fried Ravioli, is DELICIOUS! I wish I could say the same about the rest of their food, but I just cannot. The menu is overpriced and simply sub-par. Before we went to eat though I got to show them Eastern New Mexico University's campus. On Sunday we showed them our local park, Ned Houk, which has two separate areas. One side has playgrounds and a small pond while the other side has a disk golf course, playgrounds, a walking trail, dirt bike/ATV trails, another small pond, and a fishing pond. For dinner we showed them what New Mexico Mexican food is all about. It is certainly NOT Tex-Mex that's for darn sure! Then on Monday I took them to one of Michael and I's favorite breakfast restaurants, Don Maria's. That place is so yummy. They have been low on my list lately, but after the last couple of visits they are back towards the top. Yay! Here is a look in pictures of what our weekend consisted of: 
Addi got to take a ride on Michael's motorcycle
Mom and Addi made Belgian Waffles for Sunday breakfast! 

We had a neighborhood block party this past weekend and I made some Cupcake Cones to bring for dessert. 

While looking around the mall one day I found these shoes by Steve Madden, the Tblanket Moccasin Boot. Call me crazy, but I love them and want them REALLY bad! I think they are amazing and I would totally wear them. Ahh...a girl can dream can't she??

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