Monday, October 22, 2012

Back in God's Country!

Let me start off by saying we are SO happy to be living in Texas again! We have missed the greatest state in the country. It's so great to be close to both our families - Michael's parents are just 25 minutes away and my family is about 2 hours away. Waaaayyy better than 6 hours and 8 hours away! It will be nice to be close again because I AM GOING TO HAVE A BABY NIECE! Addi and Reid are expecting their baby girl March 15. Right now Addi is almost 20 weeks along so Baby Z is around the size of an heirloom tomato. We went to Dallas this past weekend to find out the gender and got to celebrate at the Texas State Fair. Turns out it was a bad day at the fair with Big Tex burning down, people getting stuck on the Stratosphere ride, and a longhorn getting loose for about 4 hours. Here's some pictures:

Congratulations Addi and Reid!

Two weeks ago, we made our first big purchase as husband and wife... we bought me a new car! We have been researching the Hyundai Sonata for about a year now. We sold my car in New Mexico so we would not have to register it in Texas knowing we were going to buy me a new car in Texas. Searching the interwebs we found a deal we simply could not pass up. We made an appointment at a car dealership in Arlington, went over the weekend, test drove the car, fell in love, told them what we would pay, and four hours later (UGH!) walked out new car owners!

And now... the long awaited pictures of our new home. We are extremely happy to have this home. There is nothing I can find wrong with it... other than the miscellaneous items I cannot find a place for so please excuse the mess. Don't judge me. :(
 Entry Way
 If you are looking for a great fall Scentsy, I am using Pumpkin Roll and LOVE it!
 Living Room + dogs
 The dogs wanted to be in the photos
 Photo Wall in Living Room
 Fireplace and TV nook
 Dining Area
 My little window so I can see the TV when doing dishes
 Kitchen - please excuse the mess on the counter
Kitchen eat-in area
In the living room looking towards entry and kitchen

Well, that is all for now! I will be sure to update again soon. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Moving Back To Texas!

Well as everyone already knows, WE ARE MOVING BACK TO TEXAS! We have about 3.5 weeks left in Clovis, New Mexico. We never regret our move to New Mexico as we made many wonderful friendships here and will miss our neighbors tremendously. Michael and I have learned to truly rely on each other when the going gets tough. There will be many things we miss about New Mexico: the mountains, the cool evenings, snow in the winter, and our friends. There is also a lot we will NOT miss about New Mexico though: the nasty cow poop smell that sneaks up on you, all the brown sand, being far from family, and the snow. I know I listed snow in the likes and dislikes. Come on, snow is pretty, but people drive like idiots in the snow and that is one thing I will not miss.

We are excited for this new adventure and cannot wait to be closer to family and college friends! You may not hear from us for awhile after the move; hunting season starts and we have a lot of trips to see family, especially now that I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT! Congratulations to my beautiful sister, Addi and brother-in-law, Reid! Baby Z is expected around March 15, 2013! I am so glad that I will be able to get my baby fix again. After quitting work and not seeing babies I am going through baby withdrawal. Haha. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

When The Husband Is Away...

I have time to blog without distraction! Well...the dogs seem to be proving just as much of a distraction. I am not sure whose distraction is more welcome. ;) I love you husband!

This blog is going to be an update by photos. 

(I am going to pause here and say my husband has just called me. Looks as though he can still distract me from 110 miles away.)

^And I'm not kidding, he really did call just then!


I will start closest to where I left off last time. And as I said, it will be a blog update by photo and minimum (maybe) commentary. 

We witnessed a Solar Eclipse! It was magnificent and we may never see one again in our lives. I may have damaged my eyes, but getting this picture was totally worth it!

We surprised my dad in Abilene for his 60th birthday! He was totally shocked. We went to Frontier Texas and I made Michael take this photo with me. He looks less than pleased, right? 

Another photo-op at Frontier Texas. We are on some huge, fake skull.

Just a guy on a buffalo. YouTube it. 

Enjoying our summertime by the fire pit. Yes, it was during a burn ban. No, we did not get in trouble. And again, can't you tell Michael is just so excited to be taking a picture with me?! :)

We went to De Leon for an extended weekend for the 4th of July. Of course the dogs went swimming. Roy is missing a booty on purpose because he ripped one. 

We went skeet shooting. I borrowed Michael's socks and boots because I failed to bring decent outdoorsy shoes. I'm a girl... what can I say?? I forgot...

My dinner tonight. Pistachio Salmon with asparagus and mashed potatoes. Since my husband is such a picky eater I do not get to eat many different foods. I took advantage of him being out of town for the night.

Well that is all I have for you guys for now. I do not know when the next update will be as we do not have a whole lot else going on this month. I do promise it will be sooner rather than later!  

Monday, May 14, 2012

The last FOUR months

I know I say this a lot, but boy, I oughta update this more! Things in the Prather household sure have been crazy. Michael and I both have been working our butts off and traveling the sights of New Mexico. 

I do not know what everyone knows, but I switched into the baby room at work from the four year olds. My room has babies starting at newborns (6 weeks) to crawling (about 8-9 months). I absolutely love it! They are such a joy to see everyday and see them grow. They have captured my heart, truly. 

As for travel, over the past four months, Michael and I have traveled to Taos, Santa Rosa, Santa Fe, Dallas (just me on this trip), Roswell, and College Station.

Michael and I purchased a Groupon for a two night stay at the Historic Taos Inn in Taos, NM. We shopped in the square, ate delicious food, visited the longest inhabited Indian reservation, and saw the Gorge Bridge which overlooks the Rio Grande River. Here are a few pictures from our trip:

Our next adventure was to Santa Rosa and Santa Fe. Michael work to do in a small town outside of Santa Rosa, so I traveled with him and we made a weekend out of it. We only spent one night in Santa Rosa and it was not very impressive... very small town. The next morning though we went to Santa Fe. We stayed at The Buffalo Thunder Casino and Resort. It was beautiful, the hotel and city. We visited Loretto Chapel, which has the mysterious staircase they do not know who built it. Here are a few pictures from this trip:

Our next trip was Roswell, NM. We just decided this trip on a whim. We went on the motorcycle because it is only about an hour and a half trip there. We went to the UFO museum which was a complete and utter bust. It was dingy and outdated. I only took a few pictures of this trip:

We both traveled to College Station for Boot Pull. Michael got to pull boots off what were his fish (now seniors). We stayed in Houston with some good friends, Ben and Jennifer Rush, and drove into CS on Saturday. It was great to see all of our friends! We have missed you all so much. 

Sorry y'all! I know this was a lot. I will update this again soon, this time, I mean it! 

As for now, my husband is insisting on a thumb war. Wish me luck. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Geez it sure has been awhile!

We are so sorry, y'all! It was been like two months since we have updated this thing! I will just give the key points of where we have been and what we have been up to all this time! 
  • Spent time in De Leon and Coppell for Christmas. We took about a week and a half off to spend time with our families and hunt. It was FANTASTIC! A huge thank you to both of our families for all the love and generosity they have shown us.
  • While in De Leon we got to see Jenn and Ben Rush! We absolutely love spending time with those two. We miss you guys and hope to see y'all again soon!
  • Also while in De Leon, I shot a doe and Michael got an 8-point! WHOOP! Now we will have tons of deer meat to enjoy.
  • We left Roy in Coppell with my sister, Jenna, so she could spend some time with him. We lived together when I adopted him so she misses him. I only agreed to let this happen because we now have Allie and she is a great companion to have around. Speaking of Jenna, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her today!! How does it feel to be in your late 20's??
  • Since being back from out of town we have not had a whole lot going on.
    •  We finally got our garage cleaned out and it looks fabulous. 
    • I am finally not on the sick wagon anymore - thank goodness! 
    • We booked a trip to Taos, NM which is about five hours away from us here in Clovis. We are going for a weekend at the end of February. We found a Groupon for a getaway weekend deal and we could NOT pass it up. We are staying for two nights which would originally cost over $400, and we only paid LESS than half that! 
    • We will be traveling back to College Station in the middle of May for A&M's Final Review and for Michael to pull his fishes senior boots. We are SO excited to go back to CS as we have not been there in over a year! 

I promise to TRY and keep up more with this blog! Sorry it has been so long. We hope everyone had a joyful Christmas and that their new year has been going well so far. Here's to 2012: a new year!